Jack Burton
JoinedTopics Started by Jack Burton
by Dogpatch inthese people come highly recommended by me!.
help for los angeles residents.
So, if you were marooned on a desert island..........................
by beksbks inwhat is the one cd you would want to have with you?
assuming you had a means of playing and hearing it.
awesome sound system actually...............wait, that's not the point, it's the music of choice that counts..
Another Question for JW Apologists...
by Jack Burton ini've been following the thread on staying off of apostate sites, and somehow the subject of reinstatement came up.. i started thinking about this, and i thought about how "easy" it would be for someone like me to get reinstated.
just for the record, i have no desire to ever go back to "the truth".
but, after being raised as a witness, serving in various different positions, i understand how to play the game.
Anyone have a soft spot for old video games?
by John Doe inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bco8bepgzi0.
JW Defenders- Is WTS Right to Insist You Stay Away From these Websites?
by OnTheWayOut ini read these threads and there are a few that bend over backwards to say why wts is correct on this issue or that issue.. they act like typical jw's that refuse to acknowledge points that may show that wts is not following the scriptures or that wts goes beyond the scriptures in a way that is not supported by others.. the point could be the blood issue or shunning or whether 1799 or 1914 was the start (or finish?
) of the last days or whether there is a faithful and discreet slave class or not.
i don't want to harp on each point.
New book - Any thoughts?
by Jack Burton ini'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts on the latest steaming pile of $#@!
from the convention this year.
my mother in law took the kids to the convention for one day.
I commented about apostates today at the meeting
by cognac ini couldn't help myself.
it was so obnoxious what the paragraph was saying about apostates.. so i said that having a difference of opinion is not a problem but really as brought out by thessolonians it is when a person raises themselves up above god to have people follow them instead of god that they are considered bad in god's eyes.. i don't even know if it had anything to do with the question, but i just wanted to say that, lol..
Roll Call !!! I am going to reveal my name, anyone else DARE?
by Leprechaun inroll call, just as it is written i am not afraid what can man do to me.
my name is shane draney i live in ogden utah, i am supposed to be going to the roy city congregation but i am not going to so there!
but you never know since i was raised in it, its been hard to shed drinking the cool aid.. .